I apologize for not being around much as I have been extremely busy with my other blog.
*runs and hides as tomatoes rain down upon my face*
Just kidding, Im not THAT popular. But recently I wrote a post on parents who kill their children. And that list is.. here
Is this list or is this list not a good argument for why we should keep abortion legal? These individuals obviously did not want their children. And I know that there are many who will spout that putting their children up for adoption is what they should have done. And I agree. BUT, what we think doesn't stop people from doing what they feel they need to do. These individuals wanted AWAY from their children for one reason or another, and when that need grows to critical mass, things like this happen. I am not excusing these individuals for harming their children, but I am attempting to understand their desperation.
When a person has a child, they can't undo it. That child will never go away no matter how much their presence tortures their progenitors. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads an individual to want to do the next best thing in their mind: destroy them. Destroying the child is easier than coping with the mental distress of dealing with them directly or possibly dealing with them again in the future. It's just how human's are. We want what causes us less pain.
If the parent in question feels that their child must be "put away" I would rather it occur when the child can't feel the fear and pain that these children felt as they suffered and died. Its just the lesser of two evils. Pro-liars tend to believe that going against our nature will help us. It wont. A person is a person is a person. If a woman has a baby that she does not want and it ruins her life and drives her to desperation.. The mother has a chance of reacting in a horrible way. Do we want that? No. We don't. And I'm sure her infant most assuredly doesn't want it either.
(now I know that some very unhinged individuals believe that a 20 wk old fetus can feel fear and pain without the structures that support those functions in the body, namely the medulla oblongata (fear) and the cerebral cortex (pain). If any of those individuals are reading this post and have EVER made this argument in the past.. I have this quote for you:
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have
ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you
even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award
you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - Billy Madison)