So, let me get this straight, "Pro-life".... Abortion is murder? Life begins at conception you say? All children that are put up for adoption are indeed adopted? Relinquishing your children into an obscure system and making the outcomes of their lives a glaring variable is to be commended? That "slut" wanted to be raped? Pregnancy is a "minor inconvenience"? The personhood and rights of a fetus override those of its mother? ALL life is sacred? Contraceptives are evil? Outlawing Abortion gets rid of the need for Abortions?...
This list goes on, believe me.
I am going to come right up front and say that I am a <shudder> Christian. I hate admitting that and prefer to call myself a Believer of Christ instead, because the word "Christian" usually brings "hypocritical religious fascist" to mind. To all my readers right here right now, I will tell you that I accept and respect all walks of life, and I am not here to cast stones. But even with those values in place, I am appalled at the actions of conservative "Pro-life" Christians today. They strive to pass legislation that will oppress women, make light of a child's quality of life, promote child abuse, promote poverty, promote child abandonment, promote more gender inequality, Promote discrimination based on sex, and make scathing attempts to reduce a woman's status to that of a walking uterus. I am writing this blog today to educate Christians and non-Christians alike, as there is SO MUCH MORE than just a biblical evidence that the "Pro-life" endorsed legislation will not fix our societal ailments, but will make them much, MUCH worse. Knowledge is your greatest weapon here, and reason mightier than the sharpest sword. I may be Christian, but I didn't get my left hemisphere removed.
I also wish for this blog to be a place of support for those couples and single women who have made the decision to terminate a pregnancy. If all that I can do is make you guys feel better for just 1 day, then I would be a happy person. There is no reason for you to be thought of and persecuted like this, you made a personal decision that you felt was right for you and that SHOULD be enough for this world, but sadly, it isn't. Hopefully, I can provide a safe haven for you to get things off your chest in a warm welcoming atmosphere. You are welcome. :]
As I continue posting here, I will research to answer the hard questions "Pro-lifers" throw at us. I'll look at both the biblical scriptures in context (for questions unanswerable by science) and good old human influence (for questions answerable by examples from our past and present). I will also be making connections between the scriptures and the reality we have today, and yeah they actually do exist. So lets move forward together.
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